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Female Egyptian Names


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  1. HISE-T-NOFRE-T, a daughter of Rameses II; & a wife of Rameses II.
  2. HO-ANKH, the wife of the priest Inhehemto.
  3. HOH, a goddess with a serpent head.
  4. HON-T, the wife of Toti.
  5. HON-T-KHA-RA, a daughter of Rameses II.
  6. HON-T-KHEM-U, the daughter of an unknown Egyptian king.
  7. HON-T-MIT-HEB, a daughter of Amenhotep III.
  8. HON-T-TO-KHEB, a daughter of King Amenhotep I.
  9. HON-T-TO-NEB, the wife of Kauta.
  10. HONT-USEN, a granddaughter of Tetet.
  11. HOR-UTA, the granddaughter of Peteharpocrates.
  12. HOSIT-EM-BENT, a daughter of Osirtesen.
  13. HOSIT-EM-THOTH, a daughter of Osirtesen.
  14. HOTEP, Peace.
  15. HOTEP-BESE-T, Peace of Bes.
  16. HOTEPHETES, a granddaughter of Tetet.
  17. HOTEP-T, an Egyptian lady, the wife of Antefaker.
  18. HUNRA, a priestess of the goddess Nut.
  19. IOUSAAS, the Great One who comes.
  20. IRBASTUTANIFU, the name of the wife and a daughter of King Amenrut.
  21. IS-ARTAIS, a common Middle Empire name.
  22. ISE-KHEB-AU, the mother of the chancellor Psametik.
  23. ISERET, the sister of Astaretenheb.
  24. ISETAARI, the wife of Petiharpekhruti.
  25. ISEUERI, the mother of Anasch.
  26. ISI-EM-CHEB, mother of the lady Ka-ka.
  27. ISI-EM-CHEV, a princess of the royal line of Seti I.
  28. ISI-EM-KHEB, a priestess of Amen Ra.
  29. ISI-OER, a priestess of Amen Ra.
  30. ISIS, ancient.
  31. ISI-TA-NEFER, a choristress of Amen Ra.
  32. KA, existence.
  33. KABIR, Astarte.
  34. KAHI, an uncertain Egyptian goddess.
  35. KA-KA, the daughter of the priest of Amen Har-m-ankh-amen.
  36. KAMAS, a royal lady or consort.
  37. KARO-AMAT, the first wife of Osorkon II.
  38. KARO-MAMA-MIMUT, the wife of Takelot II.
  39. KARO-MANA, an Egyptian queen.
  40. KARTEK, Spark Holder.
  1. KARUM-MAMA, Karo-mama-mimut.
  2. KASMUT, the name of a royal lady or mother.
  3. KAT-B, a priestess of the goddess Maut.
  4. KATESCH, Sacred, Holy.
  5. KEK-T, the goddess of darkness.
  6. KEMA, the mother and daughter of King Nofre-hotep.
  7. KEMAT, Chantress.
  8. KES-KES-T, the daughter of Osirtesen.
  9. KETET, the wife of Neferpou.
  10. KHAA, the mother of Amenemap the scribe.
  11. KHA-RA-TA-NEK-HA, the wife of Horus.
  12. KHAS-KHEM, the wife of Ouzahor.
  13. KHAT, a sister of the scribe Usur-ha.
  14. KHATA, the mother of Ta-ki-uata.
  15. Khem-ra-n-sem-khekh, Prevailing by the Name in her Throat.
  16. KHET-ANKH, the wife of Har-em-ha.
  17. KHONS-IRI-TES, the mother of Isioer.
  18. KHONSU, a queen of Egypt.
  19. KHUFUT, granddaughter of king Tetet.
  20. KHUNSU, a consort of Antef III.
  21. KIT, a sister of Sekherta.
  22. LAYLA, born at night.
  23. MA, Truth.
  24. MAA, the sister of the officer Tutu.
  25. MAANAI, the mother of the priest Unnefer.
  26. MAANI, the wife of Mai.
  27. MADSENEN, the wife of King Aspalut.
  28. MA-KA-RA, a title of Queen Hatasu.
  29. MAKARA, Pharaoh's daughter (?).
  30. MAKET-ATEN, a daughter of Amenhotep IV.
  31. MANET-ANKH, the wife of Harbenen.
  32. MAUT, the wife of Amen Ra.
  33. MAUT-MAI, the wife of Hek-nofre.
  34. MAUT-NEFER, The Good Maut.
  35. MEHI, a lion-headed goddess.
  36. MEHT-EM-I-SEKHET, the wife of Psametik I.
  37. MENHIT, the power of light or heat.
  38. MER-ANKHES, the daughter of an unidentified king.
  39. MERET-PA, the mother of the scribe Sa-pthah.
  40. MERI, the sister of Rekh-mara.

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