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  1. SOHRAB (سهراب): Persian name meaning "bright, shining."
  2. SOINI: Finnish form of Old Norse Sveinn, meaning "boy."
  3. SOKKWI: Egyptian name meaning "little fool."
  4. SOKRATES (Σωκράτης): Greek name composed of the elements sos "safe, sound, whole" and kratos "power," hence "whole power."
  5. SOL
    1. Short form of Greek Solomōn, meaning "peaceable." 
    2. Short form of English Solomon, meaning "peaceable."
  6. SOLLY: Pet form of English Solomon, meaning "peaceable."
  7. SOLOMŌN (Σολομών): Greek form of Hebrew Shelomoh, meaning "peaceable." In the bible, this is the name of the tenth son of David who became the third king of Israel.
  8. SOLOMON: Anglicized form of Greek Solomōn, meaning "peaceable." In the bible, this is the name of the tenth son of David who became the third king of Israel.
  9. SOLON (Σόλων): Greek name meaning "wisdom."
  10. SOMCHAIR: Thai name meaning "manly."
  11. SOMERLED: Scottish Gaelic form of Old Norse Sumarlíðr, meaning "summer traveler."
  12. SOMHAIRLE: Irish Gaelic form of Old Norse Sumarlíðr, meaning "summer traveler."
  13. SONER: Turkish name meaning "last man."
  14. SONG (): Chinese name meaning "pine tree."
  15. SONNIE: Variant spelling of English Sonny, meaning "youngster."
  16. SONNY: English pet name transferred to forename use, meaning "youngster."
  17. SOPHEAP: Cambodian Khmer unisex name meaning "gentle."
  18. SOPHOCLES: Latin form of Greek Sophokles, meaning "skilled-glory."
  19. SOPHOKLES (Σοφοκλής): Greek name composed of the elements sophos "clever, skilled" and kleos "glory," hence "skilled-glory."
  20. SOPHOS (Σοφός): Greek name meaning "clever, skilled."
  21. SOPHRONIOS (Σωφρόνιος): Greek name derived from the element sophron, meaning "self-controlled."
  22. SOPHRONIUS: Latin form of Greek Sophronios, meaning "self-controlled."
  23. SOPHUS: Latin form of Greek Sophos, meaning "clever, skilled."
  24. SORA (): Japanese unisex name meaning "sky."
  25. SÖREN: Icelandic form of Roman Latin Severinus, meaning "stern."
  26. SØREN: Danish form of Roman Latin Severinus, meaning "stern."
  27. SORIN: Romanian name derived from the word soare, meaning "sun."
  28. SORLEY: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Somhairle, meaning "summer traveler."
  29. SORREL: English unisex name derived from the name of a perennial herb, "sorrel," from Old French surele, from Frankish *sur, meaning "sour." 
  30. SOSIGENES (Σωσιγένης): Greek name composed of the elements sos "safe, sound" and genes "born," hence "born safe/sound."
  31. SOSIMO: Spanish form of Latin Zosimus, meaning "likely to survive; survivor."
  32. SOSTRATOS (Σώστρατος): Greek name composed of the elements sos "safe, sound" and stratos "army," hence "safe army."
  33. SOSTRATUS: Latin form of Greek Sostratos, meaning "safe army."
  34. SOTIRIOS (Σωτήριος): Variant form of Greek Sotiris, meaning "salvation."
  35. SOTIRIS (Σωτήρης): Greek name meaning "salvation."
  36. SOWI'NGWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "black-tailed deer."
  37. SPARROW: English unisex name derived from the bird name "sparrow." 
  38. SPARTACUS: Latin form of Greek Spartakos, meaning "from Sparta." This is the name of a Greek slave who lead an uprising against the Roman Republic.
  39. SPARTAKOS (Σπάρτακος): Greek name meaning "from Sparta." This is the name of a Greek slave who lead an uprising against the Roman Republic.
  40. SPAS (Спас): Bulgarian name meaning "saved."
  41. SPENCER: English occupational surname transferred to forename use, meaning "dispenser (of provisions)."
  42. SPIKE: English byname transferred to forename use, meaning "spiky hair."
  43. SPIRIDION (Σπυρίδιον): Greek name derived as a diminutive form of Latin spiritus, meaning "little spirit." In use by the Croatians.
  44. SPIRIDON (Спиридон): Russian form of Greek Spyridon, meaning "spirit." 
  45. SPIRIT: English unisex name derived from the vocabulary word, "spirit," from Latin spiritus, meaning "breath."
  46. SPIRO (Σπύρο): Variant spelling of Greek Spyro, meaning "spirit."
  47. SPIROS (Σπύρος): Variant spelling of Greek Spyros, meaning "spirit."
  48. SPUMADOR: Arthurian legend name of a horse belonging to King Arthur, meaning "the foaming one." 
  49. SPURIUS: Roman name meaning "of illegitimate birth."
  50. SPYRIDON (Σπυριδων): Greek name derived from Latin spiritus, meaning "spirit."
  51. SPYRO (Σπύρο): Short form of Greek Spyridon, meaning "spirit."
  52. SPYROS (Σπύρος): Pet form of Greek Spyridon, meaning "spirit."
  53. SRAOSHA: Avestan myth name of a god of obedience, meaning "obedience."
  54. SREČKO: Croatian form of Serbian Srecko, meaning "luck."
  55. SRECKO (Срећко): Serbian name meaning "luck."
  56. SROEL: Variant spelling of Yiddish Srol, meaning "God prevails" or "contender; soldier of God."
  57. SROL (שְׂרוֹל): Yiddish form of Hebrew Yisrael, meaning "God prevails" or "contender; soldier of God."
  58. STAAF: Short form of Dutch Gustaaf, meaning "meditation staff."
  59. STAAS: Short form of Dutch Anastaas, meaning "resurrection."
  60. STACEY: English unisex pet form of Latin Anastasia and Anastasius, both meaning "resurrection."
  61. STACY: Variant spelling of English unisex Stacey, meaning "resurrection."
  62. STAFFAN: Swedish form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  63. STAFFORD: English surname transferred to forename use, derived from a place name composed of the Old English elements staò "landing place" and ford "ford," hence "landing place at the river crossing."
  64. STAMATIOS (Σταμάτιος): Greek name derived from the word stamato, meaning "stop."
  65. STAMATIS (Σταμάτις): Variant spelling of Greek Stamatios, meaning "stop."
  66. STAMATIUS: Latin form of Greek Stamatios, meaning "stop."
  67. STAN: Short form of English Stanley, meaning "stone clearing," and other names containing Old English stan, meaning "stone."
  68. STANDISH: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Anéislis, meaning "careful, thoughtful."
  69. STANFORD: English surname transferred to forename use, from the name of various places composed of the Old English elements stan "stone" and ford "ford," hence "stony river crossing."
  70. STANIMIR (Станимир): Bulgarian name composed of the Slavic elements stan "government" and mir "peace," hence "peaceful government."
    1. Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Anéislis, meaning "careful, thoughtful."
    2. Latin form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government."
  72. STANISLAUS: Latin form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government."
  73. STANISLAV (Станислав): Slavic name composed of the elements stan "government" and slav "glory," hence "glorious government." In use by the Bulgarians, Czechs, Croatians, Russians, Serbians, Slovaks, Slovenes, and Ukrainians.
  74. STANISŁAW: Polish form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government."
  75. STANKO (Станко): Pet form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government."
  76. STANLEY: English surname transferred to forename use, from the name of numerous places composed of the Old English elements stan "stone" and leah "clearing, meadow," hence "stony meadow."
  77. STAS (Стас): Russian pet form of Slavic Stanislav, meaning "glorious government."
  78. STASIUS: Short form of Latin Anastasius, meaning "resurrection."
  79. STATHIS: Short form of Greek Eustathios, meaning "good stability."
  80. STAVROS (Σταύρος): Greek name meaning "crucifixion cross."
  81. STE: Short form of English Stephen, meaning "crown."
  82. STEAFAN: Scottish Gaelic form of French Stéphane, meaning "crown."
  83. STEAPHAN: Scottish Gaelic form of French Stéphane, meaning "crown."
  84. STEEN: Danish form of Old Norse Steinn, meaning "stone."
  85. STEENIE: Pet form of Scottish Steaphan, meaning "crown."
  86. STEF: Variant spelling of English unisex Steph, meaning "crown."
  87. ŞTEFAN: Romanian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  88. �TEFAN: Czech and Slovak and Slovene form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  89. STEFÁN: Icelandic form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown." 
  90. STEFAN (Russian: Стефан): 
    1. German form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown." 
    2. Polish form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
    3. Romani form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
    4. Russian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
    5. Swedish form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown." 
    6. Scandinavian form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown."
  91. STEFANO: Italian form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown."
  92. STEFANOS (Στέφανος): Variant spelling of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  93. STEFANS: Latvian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  94. STEFANUS: Variant spelling of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown." In use by the Dutch.
  95. STEFFAN: Welsh form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown."
  96. STEFFEN: Low German form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown."
  97. STEIN: Norwegian form of Old Norse Steinn, meaning "stone."
  98. STEINN: Old Norse name derived from the word steinn, meaning "stone."
  99. STELIAN: Romanian form of Greek Stylianos, meaning "pillar."
  100. STELIOS (Στυλιανός): Contracted form of Greek Stylianos, meaning "pillar."
  101. STEN: Swedish form of Old Norse Steinn, meaning "stone."
  102. ŠTĚPÁN: Czech form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  103. STEPAN (Armenian: Ստեփան, Russian: Степан): 
    1. Armenian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
    2. Russian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  104. STEPH: Unisex short form of English Stephen and Stephanie, both meaning "crown."
  105. STEPHAN: German form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown."
  106. STÉPHANE: French form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown."
  107. STEPHANAS: Anglicized form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown." In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem who was stoned to death by the Jews. 
  108. STEPHANOS (Στέφανος): Greek name derived from the word stephanos, meaning "crown." In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem who was stoned to death by the Jews. 
  109. STEPHANUS: Latin form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown." In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem who was stoned to death by the Jews. 
  110. STEPHEN: Anglicized form of Greek Stephanos (Latin Stephanus), meaning "crown." In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem who was stoned to death by the Jews. 
  111. STEPONAS: Lithuanian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  112. STERLING: English name derived from the vocabulary word, from the Middle English word sterrling, meaning "little star." 
  113. STEVAN (Стеван): Serbian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  114. STEVE: Short form of English Steven, meaning "crown."
  115. STEVEN: Popular spelling of English Stephen, meaning "crown."
  116. STEVIE: Unisex pet form of English Steven and Stevania, both meaning "crown."
  117. STEVO: Pet form of Romani Stefan, meaning "crowned."
  118. STEW: Short form of English Stewart, meaning "steward."
  119. STEWART: English occupational surname transferred to forename use, derived from Old English stigweard, composed of the elements stig "house" and weard "guard," meaning "house guard; steward."
  120. STIAN: Modern Norwegian form of Old Norse Stígandr, meaning "wanderer."
  121. STIANA: Irish Gaelic form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown."
  122. STIG: Scandinavian form of Old Norse Stígr, meaning "wanderer."
  123. STÍGANDR: Old Norse name derived from the word stígandr ("stepping, treading one"), hence "wanderer."
  124. STÍGR: Contracted form of Old Norse Stígandr, meaning "wanderer."
  125. STIJN: Short form of Dutch Augustijn "venerable" and Constantijn "steadfast." 
  126. STIOFÁN: Irish Gaelic form of Latin Stephanus, meaning "crown."
  127. STIRLING: Variant spelling of English Sterling, meaning "little star."
  128. STJEPAN: Croatian form of Greek Stephanos, meaning "crown."
  129. STOJAN (Стојан): Serbian and Slovene form of Bulgarian Stoyan, meaning "stand, stay." 
  130. STORM: English unisex name derived from the vocabulary word, "storm."
  131. STOYAN (Стоян): Bulgarian name meaning "stand, stay."
  132. STRATON (Στράτων): Greek name meaning "army."
  133. STRIBOG (Стрибог): Slavic myth name of a god of frost, ice, and wind, meaning "flowing god."
  134. STU: English and Scottish short form of French Stuart, meaning "house guard; steward."
  135. STUART: French form of English Stewart, meaning "house guard; steward." In use by the English and Scottish.
  136. STURE: Swedish name derived from Old Norse stúra, meaning "obstinate."
  137. STYLIANOS (Στυλιανός): Greek name derived from the word stylos, meaning "pillar."
  138. STYLIANUS: Latin form of Greek Stylianos, meaning "pillar."
  139. SU: Basque name meaning "fire."
  140. SUBHASH (सुभाष): Hindi name composed of the Sanskrit elements su "good" and bhasa "speech," hence "well-spoken."
  141. SUCKI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "black."
  142. SUDARSHAN (सुदर्शन): Hindi name meaning "seeing one's self correctly; right vision." In mythology, this is part of the name of a sharp-edged, spinning disc-like weapon--Sudarshan Chakra--belonging to Vishnu who used it to decapitate various wicked personalities. 
  143. SUDHIR (सुधीर): Hindi name composed of the Sanskrit elements su "good" and dhira "wise," hence "good and wise."
  144. SUDI: Egyptian name meaning "lucky."
  145. SUETTO: Chamoru name meaning "free; unbound."
  146. SUHAIL: Variant spelling of Arabic Suhayl, meaning "Canopus (the star)."
  147. SUHAYL (سهيل): Arabic name derived from the Arabic name for the star "Canopus."
  148. SUIBHNE: Irish and Scottish Gaelic name meaning "well-going." 
  149. SUIBNE: Irish variant form of Gaelic Suibhne, meaning "well-going."
  150. SÚILEABHÁN: Old Irish Gaelic name composed of the elements súil "eye" and dubh "black, dark," and a diminutive suffix, hence "little dark eyes."

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