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Male Spanish Names

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  1. FERNÁN: Short form of Spanish Fernándo, meaning "ardent for peace."
  2. FERNÁNDO: Spanish form of Visigothic Frithnanth, meaning "ardent for peace."
  3. FIDEL: Spanish form of Latin Fidelis, meaning "faithful."
  4. FLAVIO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Flavius, meaning "yellow hair."
  5. FLORENCIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming."
  6. FONS: Short form of Italian/Spanish Alfonso, meaning "noble and ready."
  7. FONSIE: Pet form of Italian/Spanish Alfonso, meaning "noble and ready."
  8. FRANCISCO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Franciscus, meaning "French."
  9. FRASCUELO: Pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Francisco, meaning "French."
  10. FRASQUITO: Pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Francisco, meaning "French."
  11. FULGENCIO: Spanish form of Latin Fulgentius, meaning "shining."
  12. GABINO: Spanish form of Latin Gabinus, meaning "of Gabium."
  13. GAEL: Spanish name, possibly meaning "a Gael." 
  14. GASPAR: Portuguese and Spanish name meaning "treasure bearer." 
  15. GERALDO: Spanish form of Latin Geraldus, meaning "spear ruler."
  16. GERARDO: Italian and Spanish form of Old High German Gerhard, meaning "spear strong."
  17. GERMÁN: Spanish form of Roman Latin Germanus, meaning "from Germany."
  18. GERVASI: Spanish form of Latin Gervasius, meaning "spear servant."
  19. GERVASIO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Gervasius, meaning "spear servant."
  20. GIL: Portuguese and Spanish form of French Gilles, meaning "shield of goatskin." Compare with other forms of Gil.
  21. GILBERTO: Spanish form of Latin Gilebertus, meaning "pledge-bright."
  22. GODOFREDO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Old High German Gottfried, meaning "God's peace."
  23. GOITO: Spanish pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Gregorio, meaning "watchful; vigilant."
  24. GONZALO: Spanish form of Visigothic Gundisalv, meaning "battle genius; war elf."
  25. GOYO: Spanish pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Gregorio, meaning "watchful; vigilant."
  26. GRACIANO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Gratianus, meaning "pleasing, agreeable."
  27. GREGORIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Gregorius, meaning "watchful; vigilant."
  28. GUALTIERO: Italian and Spanish form of Old High German Walther, meaning "ruler of the army."
  29. GUILERMO: Spanish form of Latin Guillelmus, meaning "will-helmet."
  30. GUILLERMO: Spanish form of Latin Guillelmus, meaning "will-helmet."
  31. GUIOMAR: Spanish name of Germanic origin, possibly meaning "famous in battle." In the 13th century Vulgate Cycle of Arthurian romance, Sir Guiomar is the proud and beautiful knight of the crystal stream.
  32. GUSTAVO: Brazilian-Portuguese, Italian and Spanish form of Latin Gustavus, meaning "meditation staff."
  33. H�CTOR: Spanish form of Latin Hector, meaning "defend; hold fast."
  34. HELIODORO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Heliodorus, meaning "gift of the sun."
  35. HERBERTO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Herbertus, meaning "bright army."
  36. HERIBERTO: Spanish form of Latin Herbertus, meaning "bright army."
  37. HERMENEGILDO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Teutonic Hermingild, meaning "all-giving." 
  38. HERMINIO: Spanish form of Latin Hermanus, meaning "army man."
  39. HERNÁN: Short form of Spanish Hernando, meaning "ardent for peace."
  40. HERNANDO: Variant form of Spanish Fernándo, meaning "ardent for peace."
  41. HIERONIMO: Spanish form of Latin Hieronymus, meaning "holy name."
  42. HILARIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Hilarius, meaning "joyful, happy."
  43. HIPOLITO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Hippolytus, meaning "horse-freer."
  44. HORACIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Horatius, meaning "has good eyesight."
  45. HUMBERTO: Spanish form of Latin Humbertus, possibly meaning "bright support." 
  46. IAGO: Spanish and Welsh form of Latin Iacobus, meaning "supplanter." 
  47. IGNACIO: Spanish form of Latin Ignatius, possibly meaning "unknowing."
  48. ILDEFONSO: Spanish form of Visigothic Hildefons, meaning "battle-ready."
  49. IÑIGO: Variant spelling of Spanish Iñjgo, probably meaning "my little one."
  50. INIGO: Variant spelling of Spanish Iñjgo, probably meaning "my little one."
  51. IÑJGO: Old Spanish form of Basque Ynjgo, probably meaning "my little one."
  52. INOCENCIO: Spanish form of Latin Innocentius, meaning "harmless, innocent."
  53. ISANDRO: Spanish form of Latin Lysander, meaning "freer; liberator."
  54. ISMAEL: Spanish form of Hebrew Yishmael, meaning "God will hear."
  55. IUCEPH: Spanish form of Latin Josephus, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  56. JACINTO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Jacinthus, meaning "hyacinth flower."
  57. JACOBO: Spanish form of Latin Jacobus, meaning "supplanter."
  58. JAIME: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Jacomus, meaning "supplanter." Compare with feminine Jaime.
  59. JAVIER: Spanish form of Basque Xavier, meaning "new house."
  60. JENARO: Spanish form of Roman Latin Januarius, meaning "January."
  61. JERÓNIMO: Spanish form of Latin Hieronymus, meaning "holy name."
  62. JESÚS: Spanish form of Latin Jesus, meaning "God is salvation."
  63. JOAQUIN: Spanish form of Hebrew Yehowyakiyn, meaning "God establishes."
  64. JORGE: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Georgius, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
  65. JOSÉ: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Josephus, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  66. JOSUE: French and Spanish form of Hebrew Yehowshuwa, meaning "God is salvation."
  67. JUAN: Spanish form of Latin Johan, meaning "God is gracious."
  68. JUANITO: Pet form of Spanish Juan, meaning "God is gracious." This is the masculine form of Juanita.
  69. JULIÁN: Spanish form of Roman Latin Julianus, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  70. JULIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Julius, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)."
  71. JUNÍPERO: Spanish name derived from Latin juniperus, meaning "juniper tree."
  72. LADISLAO: Spanish form of Latin Ladislaus, meaning "rules with glory."
  73. LALO: Pet form of Spanish Eduardo, meaning "guardian of prosperity."
  74. LEANDRO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Leander, meaning "lion-man." 
  75. LEOCADIO: Masculine form of Spanish Leocadia, meaning "bright, clear, light."
  76. LEÓN: Spanish form of Latin Leo, meaning "lion."
  77. LEONARDO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of German Leonhard, meaning "lion-strong."
  78. LEONCIO: Spanish form of Latin Leontius, meaning "lion-like."
  79. LEOPOLDO: Italian form of Old High German Liutpold, meaning "people-bold." In use by the Portuguese and Spanish.
  80. LINO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Linus, meaning either "a cry of grief" or "flax, linen."
  81. LOPE: Spanish form of Latin Lupus, meaning "wolf."
  82. LORENCIO: Spanish form of Roman Latin Laurentius, meaning "of Laurentum."
  83. LUCIO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Lucius, meaning "light."
  84. LUIS: Portuguese and Spanish form of Middle Latin Ludovicus, meaning "famous warrior."
  85. MACARIO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Macarius, meaning "blessed."
  86. MANOLETE: Pet form of Spanish Manuel, meaning "God is with us."
  87. MANOLITO: Pet form of Spanish Manuel, meaning "God is with us."
  88. MANOLO: Pet form of Spanish Manuel, meaning "God is with us." 
  89. MANUEL: Spanish form of Latin Emmanuel, meaning "God is with us."
  90. MARCELINO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Marcellinus, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  91. MARCELO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Marcellus, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  92. MARCIAL: Spanish form of Roman Latin Martialis, meaning "of/like Mars."
  93. MARCIO: Spanish form of Roman Latin Marcius, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  94. MARCOS: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Marcus, meaning "defense" or "of the sea."
  95. MARIO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Marius, meaning "male, virile."
  96. MARTÍN: Spanish form of Latin Martinus, meaning "of/like Mars."
  97. MATEO: Spanish form of Hebrew Mattithyah, meaning "gift of God."
  98. MAURICIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Mauricius, meaning "dark-skinned; Moor."
  99. MAXIMIANO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Maximian, meaning "the greatest."
  100. MAXIMILIANO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Maximilianus, meaning "the greatest rival."
  101. MAXIMINO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Maximinus, meaning "the greatest."
  102. MÁXIMO: Spanish form of Latin Maximus, meaning "the greatest."
  103. MELCHOR: Spanish form of biblical Melchior, meaning "king of light."
  104. MERLÍN: Spanish form of Latin Merlinus, meaning "sea fort."
  105. MIGUEL: Spanish form of Greek Michaēl, meaning "who is like God?"
  106. MODESTO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Modestus, meaning "moderate, sober."
  107. MOISÉS: Spanish form of Hebrew Moshe, meaning "drawn out."
  108. NACHO: Pet form of Spanish Ignacio, possibly meaning "unknowing."
  109. NACIO: Pet form of Spanish Ignacio, possibly meaning "unknowing."
  110. NARCISO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Narcissus, possibly meaning "numbness; sleep."
  111. NATALIO: Spanish masculine form of Latin Natalia, meaning "birthday," or in Church Latin "Christmas day." 
  112. NATANAEL: Portuguese and Spanish form of Greek Nathanael, meaning "given of God" or "whom God gave."
  113. NAZARIO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Nazarius, meaning "of Nazareth."
  114. NICODEMO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Nicodemus, meaning "victory of the people."
  115. NICOLAO: Spanish form of Latin Nicolaus, meaning "victor of the people."
  116. NICOLÁS: Spanish form of Latin Nicolaus, meaning "victor of the people."
  117. NOVIO: Spanish name meaning "boyfriend."
  118. OCTAVIO: Spanish form of Roman Latin Octavius, meaning "eighth."
  119. ODALIS: Spanish unisex form of French Odilon, meaning "wealthy."
  120. OLEGARIO: Spanish form of Germanic Heilgar, meaning "hearty spearman."
  121. ÓSCAR: Spanish form of Old High German Ansgar, meaning "god-spear."
  122. OSVALDO: Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Osvaldus, meaning "divine power" or "divine ruler."
  123. OVIDIO: Italian and Spanish form of Roman Latin Ovidius, meaning "sheep herder."
  124. PABLO: Spanish form of Latin Paulus, meaning "small."
  125. PACO: Spanish pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Francisco, meaning "French."
  126. PANCHO: Spanish pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Francisco, meaning "French."
  127. PAQUITO: Spanish pet form of Portuguese/Spanish Francisco, meaning "French."
  128. PASCUAL: Spanish form of Latin Paschalis, meaning "Passover; Easter."
  129. PASTOR: Spanish name derived from Latin Pastor, meaning "shepherd." St. Pastor was a 9-year-old boy who along with his 13-year-old brother, Justus, was martyred at Alcalá de Henares in the early 4th century.
  130. PATRICIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Patricius, meaning "patrician; of noble birth."
  131. PAULINO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Roman Latin Paulinus, meaning "small."
  132. PEDRO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Petrus, meaning "rock, stone."
  133. PEPE: Spanish pet form of Portuguese/Spanish José, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." Compare with another form of Pepe.
  134. PEPITO: Spanish diminutive form of Portuguese/Spanish José, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." 
  135. PINO: Italian and Spanish name derived from the word pino, meaning "pine tree." Compare with another form of Pino.
  136. PÍO: Spanish form of Latin Pius, meaning "pious."
  137. PLÁCIDO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Placidus, meaning "calm, placid."
  138. PLINIO: Italian form of Roman Plinius, of unknown meaning. In use by the Portuguese and Spanish.
  139. PONCIO: Spanish form of Roman Latin Pontius, meaning "of the sea; seaman."
  140. PORFIRIO: Italian and Spanish form of Greek Porphyrios, meaning "purple."
  141. PRIMO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Primus, meaning "first."
  142. PROSPERO: Italian and Spanish form of Latin Prosperus, meaning "fortunate, successful." Shakespeare used this name in his play "The Tempest."
  143. PRUDENCIO: Spanish form of Latin Prudentius, meaning "cautious."
  144. QUIQUE: Pet form of Spanish Enrique, meaning "home-ruler." Compare with another form of Quique.
  145. RAFAEL: German, Portuguese and Spanish form of Hebrew Rephael, meaning "healed of God" or "whom God has healed."
  146. RAIMUNDO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Frankish German Raginmund, meaning "wise protector."
  147. RAINERIO: Spanish form of German Rainer, meaning "wise warrior."
  148. RAMIRO: Spanish form of Latin Ramirus, meaning "wise and famous."
  149. RAMÓN: Spanish form of German Raginmund, meaning "wise protector."
  150. RAÚL: Spanish form of German Radulf, meaning "wise wolf."

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