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Male Vietnamese Names

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Thị is the most common female middle name. Male middle names include C�ng, Đức, Hữu, Quang, Văn and many others. 

Vietnamese middle names generally have three usages: 1) to indicate a person's generation; 2) to separate branches of a big family; 3) to indicate a person's position (birth order) in the family.

The Vietnamese given name usually has a literal meaning: for girls it often represents beauty, such as bird or flower names; for boys it often reflects attributes and characteristics that the parents want in their son, such as intelligence or modesty.

Both girls and boys are often given number names to indicate the order of birth however, this naming system is different between northern and southern Vietnamese. In south Vietnam, the first child is given the name Hai meaning two or "the second," and the second son is given the name Ba meaning three or "the third," etc. While in northern Vietnam, the first child is given the name Cả meaning "the eldest" or "the first," and the second son is given the name Hai.

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  1. AN: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "peace." Compare with another form of An.

  2. AN DUNG: Vietnamese name meaning "peaceful hero."

  3. BA: Vietnamese name meaning "three; third."

  4. BAO: Vietnamese name meaning "protection."

  5. BINH: Vietnamese name meaning "peace."

  6. : Northern Vietnamese unisex name meaning "the eldest; the first."

  7. CHIEN: Vietnamese name meaning "fighter, warrior."

  8. CHINH: Vietnamese name meaning "correctness; righteousness."

  9. CÔNG: Vietnamese name meaning "skillful; industrious."

  10. CUONG: Vietnamese name meaning "flourishing, healthy."

  11. DAI: Vietnamese name meaning "great." Compare with other forms of Dai.
  12. DANH: Vietnamese name meaning "famous, prestigious."
  13. DINH: Vietnamese name meaning "summit."
  14. ÐỨC: Vietnamese name meaning "desire."
  15. DUNG: Vietnamese name meaning "brave, heroic."
  16. DUONG: Vietnamese name meaning "virile."
  17. HA: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "river; ocean." 
  18. HAI: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "two; second." Compare with another form of Hai.
  19. HAO: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "good."
  20. HIEN: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "gentle, quiet."
  21. HIEU: Vietnamese name meaning "dutiful to parents."
  22. HÙNG: Vietnamese name meaning "heroic."
  23. HỮU: Vietnamese name meaning "very much." Often used as a middle name to amplify the given name.
  24. HUYNH: Vietnamese name meaning "older brother." 
  25. LÀNH: Vietnamese name meaning "peaceful."
  26. MINH: Vietnamese name meaning "intelligent."
  27. NGAI: Vietnamese name meaning "herb."
  28. NHUNG: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "velvet."
  29. PHONG: Vietnamese name meaning "wind."
  30. PHUC: South Vietnamese name meaning "blessings, luck."

  31. PHUOC: North Vietnamese form of Phuc, meaning "blessings, luck."

  32. QUAN: Vietnamese name element meaning "soldier, warrior." Compare with another form of Quan.
  33. QUANG: Vietnamese name meaning "clear."
  34. QUY: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "precious."
  35. SANG: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "noble." 
  36. THANH: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "achieved, intelligent."
  37. THAO: Vietnamese name meaning "courteous."
  38. THINH: Vietnamese name meaning "prosperous."
  39. THUÁN: Vietnamese name meaning "tamed."
  40. TRAI: Vietnamese name meaning "oyster."
  41. TRANG: Vietnamese name meaning "honorable."
  42. TRONG: Vietnamese name meaning "respected."
  43. TRÚC: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "bamboo."
  44. TRUNG: Vietnamese name meaning "loyal."
  45. TU: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "star." Compare with another form of Tu.
  46. TUAN: Vietnamese name meaning "intelligent."
  47. VĂN: Vietnamese name meaning "cloud" or "male."
  48. VIEN: Vietnamese name meaning "completion."
  49. VINH: Vietnamese name meaning "bay, gulf."
  50. XUAN: Vietnamese unisex name meaning "spring."

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