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Male Egyptian Names

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  1. AA, old, great.
  2. AAA, a chief of the signet-bearers.
  3. AAAB, the son of Kherab.
  4. AAANI, ape, or imitator.
  5. AAH, the moon.
  6. AAHERU, the Chief of Terrors.
  7. AAHMES, child of the moon.
  8. AAKHEPERKA, great + scarab-like + existence, or, spiritual double.
  9. AAM, an Asian.
  10. AANEKHTOU, grand winner.
  11. AAS, the breathing one.
  12. AAU, old one.
  13. AB, the pure.
  14. ABA, obviam venit.
  15. ABAALISABA, Lords of Sheba.
  16. ABAUR, great third.
  17. ABDAMELEK, servant of the king.
  18. ABDILIHITI, servant of Hiti, i.e. of Hit on the Euphrates.
  19. ABET, Abydos ("this").
  20. ABIANES, father of the bride.
  21. ABU, horns.
  22. ABUSKHAU, horns of violence (?).
  23. ACHENCHERES, the great lord and ruler Cheres (Ares).
  24. ACHERI, enemy.
  25. ACHERRES, the mighty Cheres (Ares).
  26. ACHES, lord, prince?
  27. ACHORIS, Hakor ("burnt")?
  28. AEGYPTUS, of the black country.
  29. AETES, a priest of Alexander and the Saviour gods.
  30. AH, the moon.
  31. AHI, assistant.
  32. AHMES, child of the moon.
  33. AHMESSEKER, child of the moon + the night sun.
  34. Ahmessenetuahbra, child of the moon + support + the sun.
  35. AHMOSE, child of the moon.
  36. AHTI, Bes.
  37. AHU, Atum or Tum, the setting sun.
  38. AI, divine father.
  39. AIA, a country.
  40. AIARI, from the country of Ri (Istar).
  1. AIEMAPT, I bring the offering.
  2. AIMENAMUN, divine father, beloved of Amun.
  3. AIONS, a divinity mentioned in the Ritual of the Dead.
  4. AKA, reed.
  5. AKAR, victorious (?); or, viper; killer.
  6. AKER, victorious.
  7. AKH, intelligence.
  8. AKHEKH, a mystical serpent of evil.
  9. AKHEM, the Mummied Hawk.
  10. AKHENATEN, the spirit of Aten, or the Sun-disk.

  11. AKHENATON, the spirit of Aton, or the Sun-disk.

  12. ALIM, wise man.

  13. ALTAKHSAS, mighty king.

  14. AM, devourer.

  15. AMAM, the devourer.

  16. AMASIS, child of the moon.

  17. AMEMEMHASENB, the son of Ape.

  18. AMEMU, a deity with the head of a sparrow-hawk.

  19. AMEN, self-existent.

  20. AMENAA, self-existent + great.

  21. AMENAMEN, a mystical title of the deity Amen Ra.

  22. AMENARU, an officer in the court of Queen Ameniritis.

  23. AMENEI, a royal scribe.

  24. AMENEMAN, a chief librarian of the royal palace at Thebes.

  25. AMENEMANT, an Egyptian priest.

  26. AMENEMAP, a priest of Amen, and others.

  27. AMENEMAPET, a son of Rameses II.

  28. AMENEMEF, a priest of Amen.

  29. AMENEMHA, the name of many Egyptian kings.

  30. AMENEMHEB, a chief of the temple of Amen Ra; etc.

  31. AMENEMHEBI, a keeper of the . . . . of the House of Pthah.

  32. AMENEMHET, a royal scribe.

  33. AMENEMHOTEP, a royal scribe of the White House.

  34. AMENEMSOU, Amen the Sun; or, the self-existing Sun.

  35. AMENEMUA, the sacred boat of Amen.

  36. AMENENHEB, a prince of Kush.

  37. AMENHEMEIF, an Egyptian auditor.

  38. AMENHEMOFT, a palace gate overseer.

  39. AMENHEMTI, Amen + a castrated man.

  40. AMENHERATF, the son of the functionary Heknofre.

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