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Male Aztec Names, Nahuatl Names

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  1. ACHCAUHTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "leader."
  2. AHUILIZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "joy."
  3. AMOXTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "protection, shelter."
  4. ATL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "water." 
  5. CHICAHUA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "strong."
  6. CHIMALLI: Nahuatl name meaning "shield."
  7. CHIPAHUA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "clean."
  8. CIPACTLI: Nahuatl name meaning "crocodile."
  9. CITLALI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "star."
  10. COATL: Nahuatl name meaning "snake."
  11. COAXOCH: Nahuatl name meaning "serpent flower."
  12. COYOTL: Nahuatl name meaning "coyote."
  13. CUALLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "good."
  14. CUAUHTÉMOC: Aztec Nahuatl name meaning "falling eagle." This was the name of the last Mexica emperor.
  15. CUETLACHTLI: Nahuatl name meaning "wolf."
  16. CUETZPALLI: Nahuatl name meaning "lizard."
  17. CUIXTLI: Nahuatl name meaning "kite."
  18. EHECATL: Nahuatl name meaning "wind serpent."
  19. ELEUIA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "wish."
  20. ETALPALLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "wing."
  21. EZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "blood."
  22. HUEMAC: Nahuatl name of a Toltec king. Meaning unknown.
  23. HUITZILIHUITL: Nahuatl name meaning "pen of a hummingbird."
  24. HUITZILLI: Nahuatl name meaning "hummingbird."
  25. ICCAUHTLI: Nahuatl name meaning "younger brother."
  26. ICHTACA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "secret."
  27. ICNOYOTL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "friendship."
  28. IHUICATL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "sky."
  29. ILHICAMINA: Nahuatl name meaning "he shoots arrows at the sky." This was the name of a great Mexica king.
  30. ILHUITL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "day."
  31. ITOTIA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "dance."
  32. ITZTLI: Nahuatl name meaning "obsidian (knife)."
  33. IUITL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "feather."
  34. IXTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "face."
  35. MAHUIZOH: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "glorious person."
  36. MANAUIA: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "defend."
  37. MATLAL: Nahuatl name meaning "dark green; or net."
  38. MATLALIHUITL: Nahuatl name meaning "blue-green feather."
  39. MAZATL: Nahuatl name meaning "deer."
  40. MECATL: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "rope" or "lineage."
  41. MEZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "moon."
  42. MICTLANTECUHTLI: Aztec name meaning "lord of Mictlan." In mythology, this is the name of a god of the underworld.
  43. MILINTICA: Nahuatl name meaning "fire; he is waving."
  44. MOMOZTLI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "altar."
  45. MOYOLEHUANI: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "enamored one."
  46. NAHUATL: Unisex name derived from the name of the Nahuatl language, meaning "four waters." 
  47. NAMACUIX: Nahuatl name meaning "king."
  48. NECALLI: Nahuatl name meaning "battle."
  49. NECUAMETL: Nahuatl name meaning "king."
  50. NELLINahuatl unisex name meaning "truth."
  51. NEZAHUALCOYOTL: Nahuatl name meaning "fasting coyote." This was the name of a Texcoco king.
  52. NEZAHUALPILLI: Nahuatl name meaning "fasting prince." This was the name of a Texcoco king.
  53. NOCHEHUATL: Nahuatl name meaning "consistent."
  54. NOCHTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "prickly pear fruit."
  55. NOPALTZIN: Nahuatl name meaning "cactus; king."
  56. OHTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "road."
  57. OLLIN: Nahuatl name meaning "movement."
  58. PATLINahuatl unisex name meaning "medicine."
  59. QUAUHTLI: Nahuatl name meaning "eagle."
  60. QUETZALCOATL: Aztec Nahuatl name meaning "feathered serpent." In mythology, this is the name of a god of the sky.
  61. TENOCHNahuatl name composed of the elements tetl "rock" and nochtli "prickly pear cactus."
  62. TEOXIHUITLNahuatl unisex name meaning "turquoise" or "precious and divine."
  63. TEPILTZIN: Nahuatl name meaning "privileged son."
  64. TEZCACOATL: Nahuatl name meaning "reflecting serpent; king."
  65. TLACAELEL: Nahuatl name meaning "diligent person."
  66. TLACELEL: Nahuatl name meaning "greatest of our male heroes."
  67. TLACHINOLLINahuatl unisex name meaning "fire."
  68. TLALOC: Nahuatl name meaning "of the earth." In Aztec mythology, this is the name of a god of rain. 
  69. TLANEXTIC: Nahuatl name meaning "light of dawn."
  70. TLANEXTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "radiance, brilliance, majesty or splendor."
  71. TLAZOHTLALONI: Nahuatl name meaning "one who is loved."
  72. TLAZOPILLI: Nahuatl name meaning "precious noble."
  73. TLEXICTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "fire navel."
  74. TLILPOTONQUI: Nahuatl name meaning "feathered in black."
  75. TOCHTLI: Nahuatl name meaning "rabbit."
  76. TOLTECATLNahuatl unisex name meaning "artist."
  77. TONAUAC: Nahuatl name meaning "the one who possesses light."
  78. TOTOTL: Nahuatl name meaning "bird."
  79. UEMAN: Nahuatl name meaning "venerable time."
  80. UETZCAYOTL: Nahuatl name meaning "the essence of light."
  81. XICOHTENCATL: Nahuatl name meaning "angry bumblebee."
  82. XIHUITLNahuatl unisex name meaning "year" or "comet."
  83. XIPILNahuatl unisex name meaning "noble of the fire."
  84. XIPILLI: Nahuatl name meaning "jeweled prince."
  85. XIUHCOATLNahuatl unisex name meaning "fire serpent" or "weapon of destruction."
  86. XOCHIPEPE: Nahuatl name meaning "flower-gatherer."
  87. XOCHIPILLI: Aztec myth name of a god of love, music, and flowers, meaning "flower prince."
  88. YAOTLNahuatl unisex name meaning "war" or "warrior."
  89. YAYAUHQUINahuatl unisex name meaning "black smoking mirror."
  90. YOLOTLINahuatl unisex name meaning "heart."
  91. YOLYAMANITZINNahuatl unisex name meaning "just, tender, considerate person."
  92. ZIPACTONAL: Nahuatl name meaning "harmonic light."
  93. ZOLIN: Nahuatl name meaning "quail."

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